Portrait of the Artist, Larry Gomez, on Toned Paper

It’s been a long time since I posted anything on this blog. I’ve been involved with a lot of things since the last post, but just never got around to getting it online. Blogging is not one of my strong points. I intend to post a bit more. I’ve read that artists should blog more. People like to hear what we have to say, as well as what we create.

I have been making art using myself as a model for the last decade or so. I’ve created pieces in acrylic, oil, pastel and color pencil, on various substrates in various sizes. Here is the latest that I made. It’s a small piece, about 5 by 7 inches. I have a lot of this paper that I got some decades ago, when still in art school. Someone contacted our art teacher and said we could have all he had. I don’t know where he got it, but thought donating it to an art class was a good idea. I’m glad he did. I use it periodically to create drawings of various sizes.

This is a fairly quick study that made sometime last summer, I believe. I had taken a few selfies while I was sitting at my desk/work area. There’s window on the north wall, which is behind me as I work on my computer, or to the left of my drawing table. I like the way the light was hitting the side of my face in the original images. I chose this one because it’s a sort of three quarter facial view, and I liked the skeptical look I had. I used minimal marks to indicate facial features, as they are mostly in shadow.